Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Do I doodle or do I create?

Good Morning..
Well here is another day soon to begin..
Yesterday I played with my wonderful fabric from, sure hope you visit the site. I ventured to the abstract with fabric testing the use of fabric on the bias. I made a small unit. I used five fabrics and sewed them with no reason in mind. I let the fabric take me on a trip. I decided this was a way to release the mind of concerns and still feel that I did something. I will post a picture. Pictures I am taking with my camera seem to leave me a little concerned as they do not really show just what I want, so I am continually trying to impove my techniques, so please again be patient.
I am still in a wheel chair and navigation is not what I want.
I was upset yesterday as my wonderful 1130 Bernina went to the shop, first time in 27 years. Seems that she has a binding problem or just needs a good inside job..sure hope she is okay. Funny how you miss a piece of equipment and don't want others to touch it..I didn't even send her feet, you know sometimes they don't come back..grin..but I understand that she will be home in about a week. You know the holiday's do take more time..grin..I just will have to keep busy..
Now about the abstract design. I took a piece of plain material about 12"x12" for the backing, five different fabrics about half a yard each, cut in bias strips, varying from one to three inches, not exactly cut straight as this allowed more room for design. I then began stitching down the strip, flipping and pressing until I had meandered the total backing material. It should of had a beginning design on the backing and I should of thought of the bottom then the add and did planning as I know I could of done better. I then realized that I had what the Hoosier Quilter's do in their work, so guess I learn more when I read than I realize..funny..
I love abstract, my art teacher said I was a doodler, I do think she was right, but at the time did not like it as she was so complimentary to her friends in the class, so I thought that this was all she could come up with, so now maybe she was right..I did feel what I did in class was as good as them, I did get an "A", so maybe I was okay..I have learned life has it's way of showing you are okay, it is just recognizing it that takes time..grin..
Now to get to the real abstract that I do other than oil painting. I do embroidery abstract. I have at present only done two completed pieces. I have doodled many and they await my finish. I do a basic design on a frame, drawn with pencil and then I start to stitch, at this point I let the thread take me on a trip each time enhancing the piece. I just love the feel of it coming to life and expressing my feelings. I used to carry my piece with me and work on it in public and so many people just loved it and some wanted to know if I sold items, I being myself, could not believe others like what I did, so I continued in my little world. But now I am going to get my art out and test it. This is another reason I will be developing many techniques this coming year to share with you. I will be starting my tutortials in January. I sure hope there are some of you listening, but if not the Lord be willing it will come to pass you will be here.
Learning to Blog is really neat, but sure have a lot to learn.
I truly thank Bev from 44th Street Fabric for the encouragement of doing this and do not want to let myself down by not doing it, so come and see me and comment on all this wonderful stuff.
Thanks, Abner..

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17th 2009
Well, I succeeded in posting pictures..isn't it wonderful
December 17th 2009
Good Evening,
I have been very busy, rolling around at present in a wheel chair, cutting and sewing..I have three more outfits to share with you..You will love the fabric and the designs that I am being blessed with..if any of you have any questions please e mail me at and I will be happy to help you with your ventures.
I hope to be on my feet at the end of January so I will get more done and information to you.
I am still writing my instructions and doing camera work to share, but once again I have to tell you that I have not gotten the total jest of this photo display, but I am going to do it..that is it..
I have a wonderful husband that will help me when I get back to sharring the chores he will have time to help all in all, I do appreciate your patience..
If I don't get the items posted here, I will have them viewable at
Please go to that site and enter to win high quality fabric..a great value..
Thank you,

Friday, December 11, 2009


Hello everyone:::
I am learning about my Blogspot..I would love to know how to post more pictures, so please bear with me..I do want to start telling you about my projects.
My first Matildia Pattern is not in written form at this time. I will be doing a tutortial on is as soon as I can get photos up..there will be measurement charts and growth information in these patterns, I am going to direct you through my journey so you will be comfortable in making just what you need..
I seem to be having a very busy season right now.
I am making silk and chiffon neck scarves with snow flakes, turning out quite nice, but as you know when you create it goes in steps so you always know you could of done better, that is another reason I want to do tutortials. Maybe by my learning you will have an easier venture when you do it..
I also am binding placemats. I own a 1130 Bernina, so it is with the binder attachment that I will be doing the binding..will do a tutortial on that soon..also..
I just completed a king size quilt on my 200 E Bernina, with my v6 software, which I have to learn also..grin..but I did this quilt a new way, another tutortial for you.
I used to do Long Arm quilting so the venture of the piecing left me room to grow..I am not a piecer, I just cannot copy someone else's pattern, a big fault of mine..
I am presently making table runners of two georgeous prints from Bev at , please note this would not put the complete address on one line..I don't know why..I will save pictures to be posted later..jabner, well it decided to do it..whatever...